Category: Guests

  • 5 Tips for a Happy Marriage

    Are there any blogs you visit and consistently find yourself laughing? Hollow Tree Ventures is a perfect example of a site where you will enjoy the writing and are guaranteed to leave with a smile on your face. The talent behind the blog is Robyn, the multi-talented mother of five kids. I am so grateful…

  • Becoming a Single Mom Saved Me

    The smart, sassy, tell-it-like-it-is Melysa Schmitt is guest writer today. She writes about her single mom experiences and dating adventures on her site Sex, Lies, and Bacon. I met Melysa through Single Edition Media, an agency representing single lifestyle bloggers. I have fallen in love with her writing and have enjoyed getting to know Melysa…

  • I Don’t Care. I Love it.

    Today’s guest, Nancy Davis Kho, is unapologetic about her obsession with music and concerts as an adult. Midlife Mixtape is where she shares it all: music, motherhood, modern life, and memories. Nancy’s taste in music is eclectic and often edgy. It’s a great place to hang out and find a new favorite tune. Nancy is…

  • Living a Miraculous Life

    Today’s guest writer is Leah Carey of The Miracle Journal. She is someone who, no matter how insignificant the contact (e.g., comment of a Facebook post), she makes you feel happy. It’s nothing directed at the person coming in contact with her, but rather her over-abundant amount of grace, inner peace, and happiness. It’s not…

  • Home Maintenance and the Thorny Path to Usefulness

    Today’s guest writer is Jonah Gibson of Days of Living Aimlessly. He is retired, living life now as an artist and home repairman, as you will read below. He is someone I am connected with in various ways (S30P, Facebook, our blogs), always appreciating our interactions. Once you read his piece here, head over to…

  • Interviewing Prince Charming

    Today’s guest is a special friend: David from The Blue Orchid of Texas. We visit each other’s blogs and enjoy interacting on Studio30 Plus. David always leaves wonderfully insightful and often funny comments here and I love our interactions elsewhere. Anyone who has spent 60 seconds on David’s blog knows he loves women. But if…