Month: March 2012

  • 5 Reasons to Get Married

    I have been considering taking a big step: to marry again. I stand by all the reasons why I hesitate in remarrying, but there is an overriding need for a husband that I just can’t quiet within me any longer. This will come as a shock to many, including The Boyfriend, that I am even…

  • The Fresh Diet: Perfect for a Busy Single Mom

    Last week I wrote about the meal service from The Fresh Diet, but promised more details this week. The Fresh Diet is a daily meal service delivered to the customer’s door. A daily menu is provided, which lists the three meals, hors d’oeuvre, and dessert as well as the reheating instructions. The meals are packed…

  • Semi-Unplugged Sundays

    I work daily. Yes, seven days a week. Before you start to feel sorry for me, let me stop you. I am not opening up today’s post looking for sympathy or trying to gain a martyr-like status. I love what I do. My work time is as enjoyable as my play time. I do have…

  • At Home

    This week’s guest writer is Molly Campbell from Life with the Campbells: View from the Empty Nest. She is a breath of fresh air whenever I log into Twitter. Always tweeting kind and encouraging messages. I was fortunate to meet Molly soon after I opened my Twitter account and have enjoyed interacting with her from…

  • The Boyfriend and Baseball

    Baseball. To me, it’s the greatest sport. In season I could write posts weekly at Naked Girl in a Dress, but I am confident, knowing my readers, I would be deleted from RSS feeds with increasing frequency if I did. While I can’t transform my site into all-baseball all the time, I do sprinkle in…

  • The Fresh Diet: Gourmet Meals Delivered

    As a single mom who dates and enjoys pursuing various interests, life can be hectic. Okay, so it is always hectic; can be was not accurate. Last week I wrote a post about how busy I have been with the home improvement project, office move, and work. I mentioned cleaning the house had suffered as a result.…