Tag: Divorce

  • Becoming a Single Mom Saved Me

    The smart, sassy, tell-it-like-it-is Melysa Schmitt is guest writer today. She writes about her single mom experiences and dating adventures on her site Sex, Lies, and Bacon. I met Melysa through Single Edition Media, an agency representing single lifestyle bloggers. I have fallen in love with her writing and have enjoyed getting to know Melysa…

  • Memory is the Diary We All Carry About with Us

    Today’s guest writer is Nicole DeFelice. She is a talented writer and professional editor. Her articles about editing in the Studio30 Plus Community Blog are always popular. Nicole’s writing on her own blog, Disturb the Universe, is a unique collection of stories about philosophy and life. But what I like most about this multi-talented woman…

  • Progress from Perfectionism

    The drive to be perfect- it’s an unwelcome quality still hanging on from my marriage. I battle this urge to aim for perfection in an attempt to extinguish the last bits of this nasty characteristic. While my old life was a well-orchestrated, focused attempt at perfection, it is time to recognize no one, but especially…

  • A Series of Contemplation and Growth

    With the one-year anniversary of my divorce passing last week, I have thought about how good life has been these first 12 months of singledom. I could choose to bask in the sun shining right now, but I have decided it is time to work through a few things that I have struggled with in…

  • Singles or Doubles-Who’s up for a Game of Tennis?

    Scheduling guest writers each month is one of my favorite blogging activities. What I enjoy most is mixing it up–providing men, women, single, married, and best of all, a wide range of topics. Today’s guest writer, Lee Block, is one who stands out as different from all the writers I have hosted this year: she…

  • 5 Advantages of Being Single

    Lying naked on the examination table with a paper gown covering very little, I waited. After a few minutes of staring at a wildlife picture taped to the ceiling, the doctor breezed in with a nurse by her side, ready to complete my annual gynecological exam. As she started the exam, she initiated a conversation…