Tag: Single mom

  • Would You Leave Your Kids Alone with the Person You are Dating?

    Admittedly, I don’t have all the answers to life, love, and parenting; I simply opine on the topics based upon my personal experiences and observations.  Quite often when I write on a particular subject, something wonderful happens: people leave wise comments, enriching the dialog I begin with my post. In August just such a discussion…

  • When is the Right Time to Introduce Kids to a New Partner?

    Never. That used to be my answer. I didn’t see a reason to unnecessarily bring my kids into a relationship that probably would not last. When I fell in love with a man last year, the answer changed to: Months into the relationship (and slowly). As he was becoming more a part of my life, it…

  • Just Enjoying the Swim. And Bike. And Run.

    Standing at the edge of the lake early Sunday morning before starting the swim for Iron Girl Rocky Gap triathlon, many emotions were brewing. I thought about what was happening in my life the last time I competed in a triathlon, which was 15 long months ago. So much had changed. I was now divorced,…

  • Single Me vs. Married Me

    Married Me would rise most weekday mornings at 5:30 to run at least six miles. One weekend morning each week she would typically run 10. Her cycling would never be shorter than a 20-mile ride. Swimming in the summer was a mile a day, five days a week. Winter months would involve 1.5 mile swims…

  • Why I’m Going Commando

    Everyone understands divorce is a life-changing event. Some of us also believe there is an awakening that occurs, bringing with it an opportunity for endless possibilities. Jeanie Rule of SoloMama agrees with the more positive outlook on divorce, which is what brings me to her Facebook page and blog often; she simply inspires me. I believe, regardless…

  • Becoming a Single Mom Saved Me

    The smart, sassy, tell-it-like-it-is Melysa Schmitt is guest writer today. She writes about her single mom experiences and dating adventures on her site Sex, Lies, and Bacon. I met Melysa through Single Edition Media, an agency representing single lifestyle bloggers. I have fallen in love with her writing and have enjoyed getting to know Melysa…