Last Friday I assessed my progress (or lack thereof) to be a naked girl in a dress. Over the weekend I thought about what it meant to be naked, to be authentic. I also spent some time on Grace’s blog Looks Great Naked because she is ahead of me on this journey of rediscovery. What struck me is how authentic Grace is on her blog and in her life. She knows who she is and is unapologetic for it. She makes me laugh as I discover the Grace she kept hidden from the world for so long. All this pondering and research led to the realization that I need to take a step back and do something I should have done when I launched this blog: I need to introduce myself.
Until today the About page for this blog should have been titled About the Blog Name. That is because there was very little information about me; I was using the page more as space to provide a blog mission statement with an explanation for the blog name. I corrected this over the weekend by creating an About the Blog Name page, but also now have an About Me page. With my picture. And my last name. I feel like throwing up for putting myself out there for all to see.
Please visit:
This week I will be blogging with a theme: discovery. Discovering who I am, but also learning to discover more about yourself. I even have the perfect blog to review for Blogs to Bookmark on Thursday. This insightful blogger ties in with this theme perfectly. You will be thanking me for the introduction to this guy’s blog; he is an incredibly introspective, thought-provoking blogger.
Tomorrow I am writing a Corbett Barr-style piece to allow you to get know me better. It won’t be filled with boring details about where I was born, the name of the first boy I kissed, or where I went to high school. I promise it will be enlightening and entertaining. So come back. If you don’t I will feel like a loser because you aren’t interested. And then I will be forced to hunt you down to leave a spammy comment on your blog or on your Facebook page. Consider yourself warned.
For those of you who are here because I announced there would be a big five-part series this week tied to a big event in my life, that will actually be NEXT WEEK. Blame the stupidity on lack of caffeine or lack of sleep. Maybe both. So that you don’t have to wait an entire week to find out what is going on (that would be too cruel as a teaser), next Tuesday, August 24th is my 20 year wedding anniversary. Yeah, it’s a big one. And I plan to celebrate. There is a theme to my five-day blogging next week. Even the blog that will be reviewed for Blogs to Bookmark and the Song of the Week tie into the theme of celebrating the anniversary. If you were here when I celebrated my one month blogiversary, you know I can throw an awesome party. Who knows, maybe Darren Rowse will stop by again. You won’t want to miss it!
12 responses to “I Forgot to Introduce Myself”
I love the concept of this blog. I have you in my Facebook so I regularly follow your updates. The road to authenticity is so very difficult, and I completely admire those who are willing to embark upon it. It’s not to say, I myself have my duffel bag packed, but as I’ve been getting farther into my 40s, I am so much more aware of who I am, and do know that honesty is so much easier than deceipt. I look forward to all you have to say.
Sandra~ Thanks for sharing your comment and the compliment about the blog! I love the name of your blog and will be checking it out today. Thanks for joining me on my journey.
Well hello there. Nice to meet you.
Blogging can be extremely therapeutic and you can learn a lot about yourself if you truly are open to letting it all go. Glad you could “come out” today.
Thanks! I feel better now that I put myself out there a bit more than before.
Look at you, beautiful!!
I wanted to put myself out there, name and all… but alas there was too much that I was sharing that left the ex feeling uncomfortable and the current bf uncomfortable. So anonymous it is!
Love it, keep up the great blogging!
Wow it’s awesome that you are putting yourself out there. ometimes it is hard but this online community is awesome and the more you give the more you get. Can’t wait to get to know you better.
Thanks for visiting Brittany! I do hope you will come back to read more. I enjoy your blog as well.
Hey gorgeous! i am loving reading this – it is making me think a lot about myself, as I am in a weird place right now. You are so brave!!
Absolutely gorgeous! And I thought this was the big event :-).
It is for a lot of people, including myself. I blogged behind a pseudo for over two years, just “coming out” this past April – I found it far more difficult than originally anticipated. I felt more free to be sassy with my mask. Slowly getting it back. Hopefully.
Great decision. Love seeing your face with the words.
I cannot tell you how much the words “authentic me” sing to me everytime I read that you wrote them! Reason being…I remember in the first 6 months of my divorce it struck me one day like a lightning bolt that for the first time EVER in 13 years I felt like the AUTHENTIC me!!
No more holds bar…didn’t have to worry about what he was going to say or do if i did or said something…it was exactly like you talk about being naked!! It felt awesome and scary all at the same time…once I learned how to embrace it, it was byfar the best thing that ever happened to me!
I love your blog…keep up the great work! :)
I have felt the same way. It does feels so good to be your authentic self. I am still a work in progress, making steps forward and back. I am ok with that though. I am happier and feel like I can breathe better now than I could before. It is a great feeling.
Look at you! You’re gorgeous! And stop worrying about putting yourself out there — it’s a good thing!