Last week Naked Girl in a Dress hit the three month anniversary milestone. This may seem like a short amount of time, but it feels like a long time for me, the writer. Also, many blogs are launched and die in a lot less time. So to me, there is something to celebrate with each passing month.
Before writing this morning, I read my celebration posts for months one and two. I enjoyed reading where I was in the writing adventure, the progress I have made, and comparing it to where I am now.
Here’s what has happened in the last month:
1. I was interviewed for a 30 minute BlogTalk Radio program to discuss my blog: how it came about, this writing adventure, and events in my life that led to blogging. You can listen to the radio interview by clicking HERE.
2. Last month I mentioned my readership increasing and how I am so appreciative to “meet” my readers online. I enjoy having a conversation with them through comments and Twitter. It adds a lot to the blogging experience for me. I also wrote that I was thankful for my readers except for one crazy. Part of writing for the public is also collecting an interesting group of fans. I am pleased to announce this group of readers has grown from one to three. Fame is bittersweet people. Just remember that.

3. I have become part of a new social media community in the last month. Studio30 Plus is a great hangout for people “wordy and over 30.” I have met some talented writers and enjoyed writing for their magazine. I have written teasers there to link back to this blog, but I have written original pieces as well. It is a different outlet for my writing and I have truly enjoyed the engaging conversations that have sparked in the comment section and also in the forum. Here’s one of my original pieces about defining yourself as a writer instead of blogger.
I have not written as much here in September, but hope to share more with you going forward. Getting ready to start school (I start today!) as well as writing for other online publications has taken a lot of my time in recent weeks. Thank you for continuing to follow, read, and comment. It means so much to me to see the number of comments waiting for approval and enjoy the conversations that are sparked from my writing, so thank you for taking time to share with me your thoughts.
Thanks for making blogging so rewarding.
You all give me so much to celebrate.
14 responses to “Blogging Benefits: Readers and Online Community”
Congratulations and happy anniversary. You’ve done a lot in a short period of time. You have every right to be proud.
Thanks Robin!
Congrats and Happy Anniversary. Welcome to Blogland! Hope you stick around for a long, long time.
Thanks Kelly. I hope to be here awhile!
Good for you! I think it’s safe to say you are living the life many of us dream of. I’m happy for you, though, it couldn’t be happening to a nicer person.
Thank you Sandra!
Congrats on your anniversary!
Love your stuff, keep writing!
Thanks Brahm!
Happy anniversary from a Studio 30+ “friend!” That’s definitely something to celebrate. Have a virtual martini on me. Cheers. :)
Thanks for stopping by from Studio30+!
Happy Anniversary! Hope school starts fantastically for you! :)
Thanks Alana! It was a great first week. I am heading out soon to work one homework assignment…street photography images.
You impress the heck out of me, lady. Honest. Here’s to all the success and to even more!
So glad to hear the classes are going well, too.
Thanks Ash!