The kids have only been in school one day this week because of snow in the DC area. It has been a fun week of sledding, hot cocoa, cookie baking, games, Lego building, snowmen, constant fires, and more.
Lazy mornings this week were the best part of our days. I was not rushed getting backpacks ready, lunches made, breakfast served, and everything else that goes into getting the kids to school on time, while getting myself ready for school as well; it can be a zoo.
My favorite morning memory this week involved making pancakes together. The kids couldn’t agree on what type of pancakes to make, so we made an assortment. We made blueberry, strawberry blueberry, chocolate strawberry, banana chocolate walnut, and just plain chocolate chip. We had so much fun coming up with combinations and making them together.
This memorable morning juxtaposed with the thought of Monday this week makes me laugh. The kids didn’t have school, but I did. I had to get them ready to go to a neighbor’s house so that I could leave on time. However, I first had to enroll Princess Daisy in camp. It was online registration only and fastest fingers guaranteed the spot. I had problems with the system and was in a panic watching the available camp slots dwindle. The kids rallied to work as a team, getting breakfast ready and things they wanted to take with them packed. It was crazy and I was running late for the first day of class in a new session.
In September I wrote about the need for us to work together to support each other better because I was starting school. The kids have done a wonderful job these last four months and I am so proud of them, not just as my kids, but because they are just great little people. We are working well as a family, supporting each other in various endeavors.
I write about blessings from challenging situations, but things to be grateful for can be identified in the middle of chaos too; I always try to stop in any moment to see them. This crazy Monday was an opportunity for me to slow down and recognize how well we are doing as a family. This means a lot to me because of how worried I was days before beginning school.
- It touched me that Princess Daisy, a pre-pubsecent girl, took the time on Monday to tell me how much she appreciated that I registered her for camp. She said she recognized that I was late to school because of it and that it meant a lot to her.
- I was so proud of the children working together to help each other get breakfast while I tried to register Princess Daisy.
Is it perfect in my home?
Do I have this all figured out?
Am I boasting?
No, of course not. We are far from perfect and I don’t have it figured out.
For example, when I dropped Monkey and Princess Daisy at our neighbors I told them both how proud I was of the teamwork and what a great job they did making breakfast.
Here was Monkey’s response:
“Mom it was the best breakfast! I had croutons and applesauce.”
We have plenty of work to do to reach a domestic nirvana. I am not sure I want to though.
I like the chaos sprinkled in with the lazy days.
Life is more exciting as a result.
Since it has been a fun family week, I thought I would ask the kids to peruse YouTube with me for Song of the Week. Princess Daisy won with Katy Perry’s Fireworks.
Happy Friday!
6 responses to “Recipe for Life: Lazy Days with a Dash of Chaos”
I like my lazy days sprinkled with a crunchy chaos topping as well :)
love this…so uplifting
Thank you for sharing and for reminding me that I am not the only on this type of journey!!!
There are many of us and it is frustrating at times, but very rewarding. Thanks for visiting!
no, life will never be perfect, but those perfect moments rock!
and so do pancakes. MMMMmmmm. i’m salivating looking at the picture.
I’m looking forward to some lazy days…or at least hoping. we’re supposed to get a foot to a foot and a half in the next day or two. And they FINALLY changed my programs policy so I actually will get a snow day.
Enjoy the snow day Suz!!