All bloggers, on some level, are narcissists. We think readers care about what we made for dinner, how potty training is coming along with Junior, and each major event that happens in our lives. Some are more narcissistic than others, but we all have a small part of it inside us. Otherwise we wouldn’t share our personal lives on the internet, thinking readers find it fascinating.
Having a bit of that narcissism, I know that all my readers sat with bated breath all weekend, waiting for The Big Announcement. The teasers on Twitter and Facebook about my big news were cruel, but necessary; I was sworn to secrecy. The big moment is finally here [In my mind there is background music now, readers are sliding forward in their seats while gripping the armrests. Maybe a few peed slightly in their pants.]:
I was approached to be one of twelve writers for an online news magazine that went live today called Sprocket Ink. It is a huge honor, not just because I was asked by two people who I admire (Jules from Mean Girl Garage and Jerrod from The Yellow Factor), but also because I am in the company of some really funny writers. It is wonderful to be a part of a collaborative effort. Especially with this crew.
Oh, and I use the term news loosely. We are an alternative to CNN or MSNBC; we report the same news, but do it in a way that will make you laugh so loud in your cubicle at work that your supervisor peers over and gives you “the look.” The story about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s adoption update is a perfect example.
We are confident we will be building this news organization to the size of CNN in record time. When that happens, I have already been guaranteed a top correspondent spot. I passed up the opportunity to be White House Correspondent when we were drawing straws receiving our assignments; I asked for and received the highly-coveted position: Charlie Sheen Correspondent. Help me get there people; I want that promotion. Let’s build this news organization together.
What can you do, you ask?
Make Sprocket Ink your news site of choice and visit often.
Become a fan of our news organization on Facebook.
Come tweet with us on Twitter.
Oh, and tell Jerrod and Jules I am the most talented writer on the site, you are only there because of me, and you will stop reading if they rescind on my promotion offer. Never hurts to work it too early.
15 responses to “And the Big Announcement is…”
congrats! can’t wait to see what you all are doing at the new site.
Thanks Lance. It is all serious reporting. Vinny even bought a bunch of power ties. I told him it was overkill, but he wouldn’t listen.
I’m still miffed about that Charlie Sheen correspondent thing. *kicks dirt and stomps off*
I called it first. Well, and I deserve the promotion more than anyone else.
Did I just say that out loud to you?
Congrats to you! Very exciting!
Congratulations! That’s wonderful and they are lucky to have you!
I can’t wait to visit the site and laugh. God, how the world needs a laugh today.
I can guarantee you will laugh each time you visit Sprocket Ink.
Congratulations! A wonderful (and well deserved) opportunity! I can’t wait to hear more about this literary adventure (and by the way, I was gripping my armrests and I nearly peed my pants).
Oh, I know my readers so well. I am not surprised at all that you peed yourself a little bit over my news. It was to be expected.
Thanks for the kind words! I hope you check out Sprocket Ink soon.
I laugh so hard when I read the stories. It’s difficult to remember that they are actually news stories…
I was just talking to a friend about it this morning…that I am not making anything up! Who knew the news could be so funny?
Congratulations for being chosen. Touche to your blog.
Thank you BA!
Congrats! Sounds very interesting I can’t wait to check it out.
[…] 1) I started writing for Sprocket Ink. This incredibly funny approach to news reporting is already rocking the internet. I am having more fun than should be allowed. Seriously. […]