Do you ever feel dread at the beginning of the week, knowing what is ahead of you?
That was my week this week.
This was the first week of summer break for my children and what I wanted to do was play with my kids, pack picnic dinners to take to the pool, read a good book, and maybe complete a house project.
Instead I spent a day with my attorney earlier this week and today was spent with a mediator and my soon-to-be-ex. The other days in the week were spent focusing on the various homework assignments given to me to prepare for mediation today. And, like it or not, my summer is going to be filled with these appointments until we have a final agreement and a court date on the docket.
This is not how I wanted to spend the summer.
Even though this was a disappointing start to the summer, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been had I not been given a little gift from the Music Gods on Tuesday. I turned on the radio while we sat in DC traffic on the way to my son’s camp and Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. was playing. It is a happy song and, regardless of your mood or musical tastes, you have to tap your foot and sing along. Of course I completely embarrassed my son, even though no one was in the car with us.
The appointment with my attorney was immediately following camp drop-off and on the drive to her office I found myself still singing the song. And the song stayed with me all day. And the kids and I have watched the video daily on YouTube. It simply sticks with you.
So, if you had a tough week, day, or even a tough hour, take a few minutes to sing along. Your spirits will be lifted and the song will be in your head for days (not a bad thing). Or, maybe you had a great week and just want a few minutes of fun as you ease into your weekend. Either way, watching the video is a great way to celebrate Friday.
Shiny happy people…
Shiny happy people holding hands…
Shiny happy people laughing…
Happy Friday!!
10 responses to “Shiny Happy People”
I don’t even have to hear the song to be singing along. I saw your blog post title and now I’m singing out loud!!
Enjoy those moments outside the mediator’s office as best as you can.
For situations like that I prefer Its the end of the world as we know because I feel fine. The other tune is Chumba Wumba’s I get knocked down but I get up again. But I am warped so take it for what its worth.
This song would only make my day worse (lol)…but I totally understand the feeling.
Maybe some “Ice Ice Baby”?
How about “Who Let the Dogs Out?”
That song always makes me think of Sesame Street!
Good luck with your legal stuff. I know how AWFUL and draining the process is (still ongoing for me 8 years after divorce).
Hang in there. Glad you can find some joy through it all.
Whatever happened to R.E.M.? I used to love that Everybody Hurts song, even if the lead singer is a tad bit creepy.
yes…lets all think happy thoughts….go ahead and spend time with those kids…don’t let anything stop you…
I like that song. It’s kinda odd, but it’s definitely a happy song. :)
Thank you so much for this… I stumbled across it today when going back through some of your older posts to catch up since I just ran across you earlier this week.
I love this song… all things REM (might have to do with spending a lot of time in Athens and living not far from there) but this song – watching this video.. just cheered me up and turned my day around!
Rebecca~ Thank you for coming back to my site! I am SO happy this video cheered you up. Please visit again soon.