The Gift of Authenticity from Naked Writers

This week’s guest writer is Alexandra from Good Day Regular People. Alexandra and I have been able to get to know each other through our blogs and tweeting. What struck me, when she first started visiting and commenting, was how her comments were warm and heart-felt. It felt like I was sitting across a kitchen table, coffee mug in hand, having a conversation with a good friend. Alexandra has been cheering me on for each small success and giving me virtual hugs during the low points. She is a great person and loyal reader. And, most important, she is the best cheerleader for this 40-something trying to rediscover life. I am so blessed to have met her.

All that aside, she is also a very talented writer. Funny, bright, loving, and open. I am so happy people at BlogHer recognize Alexandra is gifted; she is at BlogHer ’11 right now, is a keynote speaker and is a Voice of the Year (Humor) award recipient.

Please read what Alexandra shared as guest writer here today, but go visit her too. Peruse her site, leave Alexandra a comment, and congratulate her on her BlogHer accomplishments this week.


Ireceived an email about a month ago, it was from Kelly, inviting me to guest post on her site. I was flattered, happy, and eager to be invited to write for her blog – one that I’ve been following for over a year.

Kelly writes posts that give worth to the time you spend on her blog, so I knew I wanted to offer the same for her in my guest post. I hope that you read the humility with which I make that statement.

I follow many blogs because I love the connection I feel from reading posts from others–it’s why I love blogging. I visit different blogs, finding different things there, but the one thing that reels me in, and has me feeling like I’ve just been witness to something extraordinary, are the posts that are written like a Naked Girl in a Dress.

True, uncamouflaged writing: with no ego or delusions standing in the way of sometimes a fragile message. Posts like these bring me instantly home to knowing that blogger.

I like that.

Words written in someone’s soul before they’re put on paper, or tapped out on a keyboard, seem to find a place in my heart.

They leave me feeling in awe for how brave the author is. Writing like this doesn’t appear desperate, or lonely, or pleading for attention: it appears as writing from someone solid enough in themselves to say, “not everyone is going to like this, and that is going to be okay, because I have something to say for me, for others.”

Uncensored, vulnerable thoughts, printed out for the cyberworld to either love on, or pounce upon. The act of writing honestly leaves that writer open to many possibilities, some of which will be judgment and non acceptance.

Writing like this, the kind that exposes and pushes at the boxes of our comfort zone, requires that the writer take a deep breath, jumping in feet first and committing to what they’ve decided they want from their time in this virtual world of blogging.

To forge ahead with a brave post, exposing the not so pretty that is you, showing yourself – warts and all – and pushing that publish button anyway, is an act that I have immense respect and admiration for.

It’s a rare person who is able to deafen the inner voice that cries, “but what will others think?,” and still go ahead, and tell their story.

You can’t fake authenticity – a word whose origin means genuine. And no one else can tell your story… for this, I deeply thank those of you who move apart from the crowd, and share your real self with us.

I hope we always show ourselves to be worthy of this gift.

Follow Alexandra:

Her Blog








6 responses to “The Gift of Authenticity from Naked Writers”

  1. so glad you guest posted here :) And like you, I love reading the authentic and transparent.. the connection that comes from reading things poured out from someone’s soul in bravery, finding a kindred spirit for a moment.

  2. oh Alexandra, you always get to the heart of it, don’t you??

    what a gorgeous way to look at the humaness of our writing, to be able to step beyond ourselves and write something that will change ourselves by hitting publish and other people by them reading it.

    This was a beautiful tribute to the work of love we all do with our words.

  3. The brave, authentic posts are sometimes the hardest ones to write. But often the ones that give the most clarity of thinking.

  4. What a lovely surprise! I popped in without realizing Alexandra was guest posting here. She is one of my favorite bloggers. A lovely post too. I know she has made me feel appreciated ‘warts and all’ more than once : )

  5. Alexandra, it’s writers like you who allow bloggers like me to hit the publish button on posts I have no business writing. Thank you.

    And congratulations on what I hear was a superb keynote speech at BlogHer ’11. I wish I was there!

  6. Kelly and Alexandra together. This is a good match.

    Yep, authenticity is key. “Exposing the not so pretty that is you.” We all like to put our best foot forward, but to boldly step out into the world with a post that reveals something about ourselves? That is truly admirable. You both do this so well.