Me: A Work in Progress

Last Monday I was dealing with something difficult, which I wrote about on Tuesday. The post included the statement that I felt I had taken ten steps back in the last year. A few days later I recognized that while I felt terrible earlier in the week, I had not really taken steps back. Feeling deeply and being sad in no way negates progress; it simply means I have emotions and I am in touch with them.

Last week I spent more time thinking than writing, but my thoughts have been centered on what to write after publishing “The Road to Happiness.” I decided the follow-up post needed to include a list of ten steps forward in the last 12 months. Whether the steps were big or small, I wanted to recognize for myself the progress.

Ten Steps Forward in Twelve Months

1-Professional Photography Program Completed
2-Final Separation Agreement Completed
3-Divorce Finalized
4-Learned To Use a Drill
5-Readership and Social Media Presence Expanded Significantly
6-Established Solo Date Nights
7-Brought a Dog into Our Family
8-Significantly Happier
9-Finding Balance as a Single Mom
10-Entertaining Again

By giving this challenge to myself I was able to recognize there has been significantly more progress than the ten items I listed. This exercise also made me think of the kids and the progress they have made individually as well as the three of us as a family; it has been remarkable.

“Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky

Yes, the road to happiness is not a straight line and there are setbacks. I do believe what I wrote last week. But it is also important to think of what progress has been made and count blessings. These two things make getting back on the road easier.

What progress have you made in the last year?






10 responses to “Me: A Work in Progress”

  1. You have indeed made progress, much more than you give yourself credit for. I’m glad you took a minute to really prove it, more to yourself than anyone else, that you are accomplishing good things in your life. I know that you have made my life better in the last year so you can add that to your list as well!!

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      I can’t begin to express how appreciative I am you stated your life is better because of me. Thank you. You are a wonderful person and I have enjoyed getting to know you through my blog, yours, and social media.

  2. Jewels

    It is so nice to see you concentrating on the upside of things. I am proud of you for learning to work a drill. I can work one…but working one well or with any level of skill is a whole other matter. In the last year I think the biggest change for me has been in making time to write every day, in making sure I am okay with saying no and doing things for myself, and in letting things that I cannot control roll off my back. It may not seem like a lot but it has made me a much happier person.

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Letting go of things you can’t control is huge! I am still working on that. I think what you shared is a significant amount of accomplishments in the last year.

  3. Chunky Mama

    You know, we’ve had such a rough year around my house that I almost navigated away from this page without leaving a comment because I couldn’t think of a single step we’ve taken forward.

    But then I remembered that we started the year with a Baby Girl who had severe torticollis and was in need of physical therapy and a special helmet to reshape her skull. Now, she’s been out of the helmet and done with therapy for 6 mos, due in large part to a whole lot of stretching and strengthening play at home. Today, she’s just a typical, happy, beautiful little girl.
    And we did that.

    So, thanks for making me focus on the positives for a change. :)

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      If all you have done in the last year is help your daughter, you have accomplished something great. You have done so much to help your daughter with her health and development. I can’t think of a better use of time than helping your child.

  4. Claiming your progress, no matter how small some steps may seem, is proof that you are moving forward. Congratulations!

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Thank you Lisa!

  5. It’s good that you could sit back and realize that things have gone decent in the past year and that you did, indeed, take steps forward. To answer your question at the end of your post, I don’t think I’ve taken steps forward in the past 12 months as the economy and the industry I worked in really whacked me. But, that is life and it happens. I do hope the next 12 months, however, are better for taking those steps forward. ;)

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Think positive thoughts P.J. and you will start taking steps in the right direction.