Coming Home

On a beautiful weekend day last fall, I found myself sitting in front of The Boyfriend for the first time. Within minutes of taking my seat, I was interested. Four hours into the “quick lunch date,” I was still listening with rapt attention.

Instead of sitting across the table from a guy droning on about his ex; bragging about how successful he is; or manipulating the conversation towards his accomplishments to impress me, I found myself sitting across from a man who was naked. Not literally, but rather naked-girl-in-a-dress naked.

I have never met a man so comfortable in his own skin. So unapologetic for who he is. It is not conveyed in a cocky way, but rather with a strong, confident presence. He doesn’t speak too loudly and does not try to draw attention to himself. He doesn’t look for the reaction or approval of others. He never boasts because he doesn’t feel the need to point out what he has accomplished. And yet his list of accomplishments is long and impressive. He works hard and enjoys his career. He is passionate about the volunteer work he has done for the last 25 years. He doesn’t live in the hippest neighborhood in the city and he doesn’t care. But his presence where he lives makes it the greatest place to be.

We possess a chemistry like I have never experienced, an uncanny level of compatibility, a long list of similarities, and differences that are complementary. As for the many similarities, we even share the same birthday.

He is funny, intelligent, handsome, confident, caring, an alpha-male without a fear of sharing his emotions, and genuinely enjoys his career (a rarity I am finding).

There is an unprecedented ease to the relationship. We work at making this a wonderful experience for both of us, but the relationship feels effortless. There has not been an unkind word expressed, a raised voice, or argument. More experiences and time will guarantee fights, but I am confident neither of us will choose to be destructive over working together to resolve a difference.

It feels like he has been in my life much longer than he has and I can’t imagine him not being by my side in the future. It feels like this was meant to be; that we belong together.

Sitting across the table from him that first day last fall.

There is only one way to describe the feeling.

It felt like coming home.






18 responses to “Coming Home”

  1. That is a wonderful way to describe it. I’m happy that you found it.

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Thank you Brett. Me too.

  2. I can’t wait to compare this to your posts 2 years from now when the pheromones wear off and you’re raging about what an ass he is. (kidding! I’m a kidder!) :)

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      You are hilarious. I would rather rant about him being an ass in two years than be with someone else. Wait. The blinded-by-love thing made me write that. It really is sickening these feelings I have….even to me!

    2. Two things… ONE: whew! I was just sitting here hoping you really knew I was kidding and TWO: if you’ve read how I relentlessly stalked my husband, you know I two have been demented by love. :)

    3. Naked Girl in a Dress

      I read your post on stalking your husband and I have to say, you are very lucky there wasn’t a protective order involved somewhere in the courting period of your relationship. I still want to know what you paid the old lady!

  3. Awwww! Just beautiful…what a blessing. I think the happiness quotient on the planet just skyrocketed!

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      You are too funny! It’s still a scary feeling, loving someone like this.

  4. Wow, what a testimonial to being with the right person. So happy that you are happy!

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      I wrote not long ago about battling a monster and winning. Fear still takes hold. This one ending will be a painful experience and that scares me. A lot actually, but not enough to affect moving forward with this awesome man.

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Thank you Jonah and thanks for visiting!

  5. Sounds like you have found a keeper! The best relationships are often the ‘easy’ ones in my experience. No questions about who feels more for whom, you’re just both excited to be in one another’s presence. I hope you have many more happy Valentine’s days to come together.

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      The feeling is mutual or I never would have posted this!

      Thank you. I hope there are many special days to come with him as well.

  6. This was beautiful. Absoutely beautiful.

    I too, feel that I have found that someone. The relationship just seems so easy, and like you said, it felt like coming home.

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Thank you. Our relationship is like nothing I have experienced. I am savoring each moment.

      Congratulations to you for finding your way home too.

  7. D’awwwwwwwww, this is adorable! ^^ The easy relationships are the best, I agree. When you both trust and understand each other, without worrying over the other person’s commitment to the relationship (or lack thereof). Not to say that any relationship will be free of conflict, but on the whole, a healthy relationship should be a stress reliever, not a source of stress. :) Happy for you!

    1. Naked Girl in a Dress

      Thanks for the kind words! We had a more normal, domestic weekend last weekend. I continued to marvel at home easy and enjoyable it was even when we were running 100 errands and huddled over a toilet tank doing a repair for two hours. It really doesn’t matter what we do; we always have fun and appreciate the time together.