Category: Life Lessons

  • Celebrating Each Step

    Last month I raced in the Annapolis Zooma Half Marathon. It was an incredibly hot and humid day. My training leading up to the race was not what I would have liked and the race conditions were not optimal. It required me to dig deep, but I didn’t allow myself  the option of quitting. Mile…

  • Life is short. Order the lobster roll.

    At times I am plagued with indecision simply because I fear not making the right decision. When indecision strikes, time is consumed while I macerate over the options. Would time be better served enjoying life? Definitely. As my friend BC often tells me, “Kelly, sometimes you just have to order the lobster roll.” This great…

  • Nesting with an Empty Womb

    I am being obsessive and maybe a little crazy. There is this uncontrollable urge in me to clean and purge. I started to worry, but then I found a great article in Parenting Weekly to assuage my fears. I discovered this obsession is completely natural. Here’s a quote explaining what is happening to me right…

  • Girls’ Weekend Part 2: Racing and Friendship

    If you didn’t read my last post, click HERE to read Girls’ Weekend Part 1. While it was unspoken between us, I think AC and I shared the belief that we might cross the finish line in an ambulance. The reason for this pessimism was the lack of training for both of us. We were…

  • I am Ready to Swim

    Separation is like treading water; I am exhausted from the effort involved in keeping my head above water, yet I make no progress in moving in any one direction. So many things are uncertain: housing, assets, health coverage, college tuition, visitation schedule, retirement, and more. Even when it comes to relationships, I am in a…

  • Audrey Hepburn’s Beauty Tips

    Recently I read something hateful. It was written with the intention to harm another individual and while I was not the person this anger was directed towards, I felt the pain the intended recipient must have felt.The ugliness that exists in another human being to lash out with the intention to do harm is sad.…