Category: Song of the Week

  • Celebrating Change

    Change It used to be a dirty word. No one would dare utter the “c word” around me for fear it would send me in a tailspin. There were reasons for my resistance to change though. I was faced with significant challenges in my marriage and the daily routine, keeping everything together that was within…

  • The Mommie Dearest in Me

    I consider myself a fun mom. I am the first to wear my pj’s inside out to encourage snow (what, you haven’t heard about this trick?) the next day and one of the few moms who squeals when school is canceled. I enjoy a wide range of activities with the kids: playing games, baking, sledding,…

  • The 5 Most Difficult Posts to Publish

    The post on Tuesday was one of the more difficult pieces for me to write and publish. I wrote and re-wrote it numerous times before hitting publish. Then, Wednesday morning, I edited it and republished. I have thought about the difficulty, wondering why there was a struggle. I believe it was hard because I was…

  • A Beautiful Expression of Love

    The first time I read this I was moved by the words, beauty, and truth. And then, to my surprise, I discovered the author at the end. I am not saying it doesn’t fit the man; I was simply not expecting who is credited with these words. Indulge me. Take your time reading, savor what…

  • Opposites Initially Attract But Compatibility Lasts

    Opposites attract. Everyone has heard the saying, but is it true? Some experts say it isn’t accurate if looking for a successful, long-term relationship.* I agree. There can be an initial excitement when meeting someone with different life experiences, interests, and beliefs, but after the curiosity has waned, what is left? I don’t believe, from…

  • On Winning 1 Million Dollars

    On a run recently my mind was racing with ideas. The mind-racing thing actually happens whenever I am not sleeping. Just so you know. Oh, and sometimes my mouth and mind are racing. And somehow I have friends, a family that speaks to me, and a boyfriend. I don’t drive everyone crazy with this trait.…