Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
6 Things to Inspire Being Happy
There are times coming off the path on my journey has led to unexpected, positive events. Recently meandering on a different path has not been a good experience. It has affected my happiness, an emotion I believe we are capable of controlling. But I was delivered a gift yesterday, which was the impetus for changing…
Answering the Question: Is He The One?
In the last four years of dating, two men have brought me flowers on the first date. Both turned out to have control issues and were, coincidentally, both complete narcissists. It would not be accurate to state I am now wary of men wielding bouquets, but I do believe there is a lesson to be learned…
Getting Fit for Spring
Getting in shape. It’s what many people start thinking about when the weather starts to warm up. For me, I have run regularly through the winter, but not once placed my bike in the trainer. My weekly long swims at the local indoor pool was not part of my winter exercise regime either. As a…
5 Reasons to Get Married
I have been considering taking a big step: to marry again. I stand by all the reasons why I hesitate in remarrying, but there is an overriding need for a husband that I just can’t quiet within me any longer. This will come as a shock to many, including The Boyfriend, that I am even…
The Fresh Diet: Perfect for a Busy Single Mom
Last week I wrote about the meal service from The Fresh Diet, but promised more details this week. The Fresh Diet is a daily meal service delivered to the customer’s door. A daily menu is provided, which lists the three meals, hors d’oeuvre, and dessert as well as the reheating instructions. The meals are packed…
Got any book recommendations?