Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
On Winning 1 Million Dollars
On a run recently my mind was racing with ideas. The mind-racing thing actually happens whenever I am not sleeping. Just so you know. Oh, and sometimes my mouth and mind are racing. And somehow I have friends, a family that speaks to me, and a boyfriend. I don’t drive everyone crazy with this trait.…
Rediscovering Hope and Love
I meet so many people through my blog and social media. Many I consider friends without ever having met them. Alycia Neighbours is one of those people. She’s someone I know it would be fun to grab a cup of coffee with and spend the morning talking. Alycia is the type of person you feel…
Peering In and Down from the Top
Peering down from the top of an indoor climbing wall on Sunday, my belayer continued to repeat she was prepared for me to descend. It was good to know, but I wasn’t ready. As I clung to the top, I had a moment of contemplation. This really wasn’t the appropriate time for self-reflection, but these…
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