Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Healthy Boundaries: Drawing a Line in the Sand

    “Work” tends to have a negative connotation when used in context with relationships, but it is the best way to describe a necessary component to be successful. Being kind, considerate, and forgiving are a few good examples of qualities essential to forging a solid relationship as well. There are numerous ways to create a successful…

  • Where I am Going: Forward Thinking for a More Balanced Life

    This week I wrote about a recent struggle with balance. The work side of life had been tipping the scale a bit more than I like and, as a result, I felt frustrated. After writing about it I felt good; Sean, the kids and I had a fun movie night, I stopped working at 3…

  • Finding Work, Family, and Life Balance

    In the first ten weeks of this year, I have worked hard to acquire new clients, successfully complete work for clients, write here, work towards greater visibility and membership for Studio30 Plus, and have taught a lot of classes. In that same period of time, Sean temporarily moved in with us, and we have focused…

  • Phillip Phillips: Successful Being Himself

    I almost exclusively listen to Pandora radio and have little knowledge of pop culture, which means I am not the most hip mom with new singers or top ten songs on the charts–and I rarely know music on the radio as a result. So when a song I actually know well (i.e., I can sing…

  • I Love You, And…

    But seems like a benign enough word. It’s not though. At least not in every circumstance. One that is a particular annoyance for me is: I am sorry, but… Immediately following “but” is inevitably a defense or deflection rather than accepting responsibility. For example: I am sorry, but you shouldn’t have started it. I am…

  • Happiness and Hard Work

    “Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.” ~Theodore Isaac Rubin If life could always be easy, would you choose that path over a life with challenges? I am not sure how I would have answered…

Got any book recommendations?