Tag: Being happy

  • The Unexpected Gift of Rain

    Early Sunday morning I awoke to cool temperatures, a constant breeze, and rain. I had slept with the windows and bedroom deck door open, so it was chilly, even under the covers. With five others in the house still sleeping soundly, all I could hear was the constant tapping of the rain. I pulled the covers…

  • I Don’t Care. I Love it.

    Today’s guest, Nancy Davis Kho, is unapologetic about her obsession with music and concerts as an adult. Midlife Mixtape is where she shares it all: music, motherhood, modern life, and memories. Nancy’s taste in music is eclectic and often edgy. It’s a great place to hang out and find a new favorite tune. Nancy is…

  • Living a Miraculous Life

    Today’s guest writer is Leah Carey of The Miracle Journal. She is someone who, no matter how insignificant the contact (e.g., comment of a Facebook post), she makes you feel happy. It’s nothing directed at the person coming in contact with her, but rather her over-abundant amount of grace, inner peace, and happiness. It’s not…

  • The Definition of Success

    When you hear someone mention a “successful person,” is the assumption this person has a healthy work-life balance or is happy? Of course not. The implication is financial wealth or status. It is how we are trained to evaluate success as a society. But as someone who emphasizes happiness over wealth, I am not one…

  • Progress from Perfectionism

    The drive to be perfect- it’s an unwelcome quality still hanging on from my marriage. I battle this urge to aim for perfection in an attempt to extinguish the last bits of this nasty characteristic. While my old life was a well-orchestrated, focused attempt at perfection, it is time to recognize no one, but especially…

  • 30 Days to a Happier Life

    This week’s third installment in the Contemplation & Growth Series is on Happiness. Of the six topics being covered, this is the one I write about most often and is part of the goal in being a naked girl in a dress: to be free, happy, and uninhibited. As I have written in the past,…