Tag: Breaking up
Who I Am
Reading great writing can do a lot of things. It can entertain us, make us laugh or cry, it can frustrate us, and on the rare occasion we come across a writer who is truly gifted, it can simply take our breath away. Liz at I Am Pisspot has that gift. I am honored her…
On Battling a Scary Monster. And Winning.
“Do one thing every day that scares you.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt Stepping out of our comfort zone to do something that scares us can be overwhelming. It is safe to stick with what is known; we have a routine and we can guess the outcome of our day-to-day activities as a result. Predictable is safe, but…
Embracing a New Dream at Any Age
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning.The end is where we start from.” ~T. S. Eliot It is an honor for me to receive a direct email from someone who shares his or her personal story and then asks for advice. I do the…
Ben Harper Sings about Forever and the Naked Girl is Undecided
Writing, like relationships, can turn unexpectedly. I can have a plan and be hopeful of the results, but it could end in a way that I have not anticipated. Today I had a wonderful, hope-filled post about finding love and keeping it alive. But after a 20-year marriage that ended, and a complete train-wreck of…