Category: Relationships

  • How to Maintain a Successful Relationship in a Hectic Life

    Work, kids, household chores and projects, meal planning and prep, kids’ activities, exercise, and more is squeezed into each week. Somehow, through it all, we also need to find time to focus on maintaining a solid relationship with our spouse or partner. And yet, there are only 24 hours in each day. It seems daunting,…

  • Relationship Success: Enjoying the String of Tiny Moments

    When I was in the throes of figuring out the online dating scene several years ago, I remember speaking to a neighbor who was also trying to navigate the various sites. She too was overwhelmed with the online dating process. The neighbor declared, “I just want someone who, at the end of a hectic day,…

  • Twenty Years from Now

    “Can you see yourself with him 20 years from now?” That’s what a friend asked me after I announced becoming engaged to Sean. Without hesitation, I told her I could see being with him in 20 years’ time. I explained, “Life would not be as much fun without sharing each day with him.” Sean possesses…

  • Saying Yes

     “I am never getting married again.” “There’s probably only a 10% chance we will still be together at Thanksgiving.” “You have no business remarrying either, Sean.” “Let’s promise to see that movie in December even if we are just friends at that point.” This is just a sampling of what Sean has endured with me.…

  • He’s Worth It

    Readers have been on a roller coaster with me, sharing my excitement over a new relationship, and my tears at it’s conclusion. I write from my heart, sharing it all. When it comes to commitment, I prattle on about breaking out in hives whenever anyone mentions the M-word (marriage) and F-word (forever). It’s a stressful…

  • The Process for Finding Mr. Perfect for Me

    Perfection. I have written my thoughts about this being a dirty word for me. This perfection-seeking tendency is something I will wrestle with quietly my whole life. When I slip into the perfection mode, it leads to trumped-up expectations and inevitable disappointment. Seeking this out in any area of life, including the search for a partner, is…