Category: Relationships

  • Living a Kid-Free Weekend

    Six weeks. That’s how long it has been since Sean and I had a kid-free weekend. I think we have forgotten what to do with all the time that won’t be spent cooking for a crowd, attending kid sporting events, playing X-Box, board games, or going to a PG movie. I know this weekend will…

  • Frankenstorm Update: Naked Girl Opines on Hurricane Compatibility

    Hurricane Sandy, also known affectionately as Frankenstorm, is coming. What it meant for our area was mass panic over the weekend. Purchasing water, food, and any other item deemed a hurricane essential became the priority. Securing outdoor items, filling up gas tanks, and preparing for the loss of power was also part of the preparations for…

  • What is Love?

    Beginning to fade from the extended exposure to sunlight was a child’s artwork project on my friend’s refrigerator. Her daughter was asked to fill in the blank inside a heart glued to pink construction paper. It simply read: “Love is…” Here was her response: “Love is happiness in your heart.” How simple, yet accurate. Children…

  • Avoid Psychos When Dating: Have a Second Mobile Number

    One glass of wine and 45 minutes. That’s the extent of the investment in a date last summer. But if I could have politely extricated myself within 15 minutes, I would have done it. It was one of those I-wonder-how-big-the-bathroom-window-is moments. The biggest reason? Between reading his profile and a phone conversation prior to meeting,…

  • The Ugly Truth about Mr. Perfect

    Mr. Perfect doesn’t exist. Seriously, he doesn’t. Get over it now if you want to find your own version of happily ever after. You need to realize scenarios like this don’t exist:  What about a guy who will miss a major sporting event for a craft fair? You can find him. I am sure you…

  • A Single Mom, Not a Superhero

    After four years as a single mom, I still have not realized the impossibility of also being a superhero. Instead of accepting this reality, my inner voice regularly makes declarations like this: “One day in the future, this is all going to come together, and be easy.” It would be better to stop telling myself…