Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Maneuvering the Life in Between
Most of us don’t experience significantly sorrowful or joyful days daily. We mostly live the life that is in between. It’s best we live in this space because having extreme events or emotions daily–good or bad–would be exhausting. Grey skies lead to a focus on surviving the difficulty. We dig deep into our reserves to…
The Definition of Tenacious
Tenacious. That’s one adjective a man used to describe himself to me on a first date a month ago. I thought I understood the definition of tenacious before I started dating him, but he has shown me I really didn’t understand the meaning. Tenacious is when a man is interested in a woman, but is…
Just Enjoying the Swim. And Bike. And Run.
Standing at the edge of the lake early Sunday morning before starting the swim for Iron Girl Rocky Gap triathlon, many emotions were brewing. I thought about what was happening in my life the last time I competed in a triathlon, which was 15 long months ago. So much had changed. I was now divorced,…
10 Essential Things You Missed This Summer
It’s understandable for readers to take vacations, spend time at the pool, and drink a lot of fruity drinks with umbrellas throughout the summer. Maybe some finally decided to read the Shades of Grey series–hopefully on the Kindle so no one knew the book being devoured at the baby pool was mommy porn. With the…
Single Me vs. Married Me
Married Me would rise most weekday mornings at 5:30 to run at least six miles. One weekend morning each week she would typically run 10. Her cycling would never be shorter than a 20-mile ride. Swimming in the summer was a mile a day, five days a week. Winter months would involve 1.5 mile swims…
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