Tag: Being positive
20 Traits Happy People Have in Common
One of the three tenets of Naked Girl in a Dress is happiness, which is why it is written about here often. I have touched upon topics of gratitude, embracing change, optimism, forgiveness, happiness being a choice, and more. While there have been little happiness nuggets spread throughout this site, I thought it would be…
Avoiding Mental Purgatory
The gray area. My own version of a mental Purgatory. Having uncertainty leaves me spinning, looking incessantly for the answer so that I can move myself safely into a clearly-defined area: the land of black and white. But sometimes, no matter how hard I focus on something that is not clear to me, I won’t…
A Week of Giving Thanks
This week of Thanksgiving I will be doing something more productive than stressing about seating for dinner, figuring out if I have enough plates to feed 40+ people dessert, or whether I am buying the right size turkey to feed the crowd. Instead I am working a little each day to prepare logistically while spending…
Focus on the Good
After writing a non-resolution post at the beginning of the year, I followed it up a few days later with a three-word commitment. The exercise in choosing three words to be ever mindful of as I moved into 2012 was a great decision, and I am still working hard to stay committed to my three…
Seeing the World with Grateful Eyes
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” ~Henry David Thoreau Right now many people on Facebook are posting daily what they are grateful for during a 30-day period. This is a wonderful concept, starting a daily habit to find the good in life. I believe it should not be done…
Dare to Dream Big
As we were driving recently, my son shared with me his life plan (his words). Some of his dreams I have heard before, but a few new ones were added as well. Here’s what he shared: “After college I am going to be a professional baseball player. Since I will have a lot of time…