Tag: Being positive

  • How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Ex

    Whenever I write about the good relationship I have with my ex, I receive praise from readers and my social media followers. People comment on my blog about their frustration of not having the same. Many ask how they can get to a good place with their ex as well. I appreciate the praise and…

  • 60 Seconds of Happiness

    Happiness is something I write about often. I have opined it is not something fleeting, but rather happiness is a state of mind. Does that mean I am never angry or unhappy? Of course not. Something I experienced a few days ago is a perfect example. As I was filling my gas tank at a…

  • New Synonym for Stubborn: Stupid

    Life is full of surprises, with an adventure at every turn in the road. I have written about embracing this concept often. Being open to unexpected opportunities in life leads to a more rewarding, enriching life, but we must truly be open or we could potentially miss an unexpected opportunity in front of us. In…

  • How to Make Good Things Happen

    Good thoughts. It is that simple. Or so my son told me recently. As we were driving, out of nowhere, my son announced: “Good thoughts make good things happen.” It’s simple, but also true. I have written often about seeking the positive in challenging situations and that our perspective guides our own happiness. We shape…

  • New Beginnings

    This week I have felt every emotion possible as a result of finalizing my divorce. It has been a hard week, but by last night I felt more like myself. I was relaxed and at peace, gathered together with a small group of friends. The friend hosting last night presented me with a cake. There…

  • Embracing a New Dream at Any Age

    “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning.The end is where we start from.” ~T. S. Eliot It is an honor for me to receive a direct email from someone who shares his or her personal story and then asks for advice. I do the…