Tag: Divorce

  • Two Weeks on Love & Relationships

    With Valentine’s Day 15 days away, I have decided to have a Love & Relationship series for the next two weeks. At the beginning of February last year I opened up my blog focus to include relationships, starting the topic expansion off with a similar series. It will be interesting for me to write on…

  • How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Ex

    Whenever I write about the good relationship I have with my ex, I receive praise from readers and my social media followers. People comment on my blog about their frustration of not having the same. Many ask how they can get to a good place with their ex as well. I appreciate the praise and…

  • New Beginnings

    This week I have felt every emotion possible as a result of finalizing my divorce. It has been a hard week, but by last night I felt more like myself. I was relaxed and at peace, gathered together with a small group of friends. The friend hosting last night presented me with a cake. There…

  • Endings Are New Beginnings

    Just as I have each morning for the last 29 months, today I woke up married, but estranged from my husband. My divorce hearing was today so tomorrow I will wake up single for the first time in almost 21 years. This 29 month journey has felt hopeless, frustrating, overwhelming, and impossible at times. I…

  • Embracing a New Dream at Any Age

    “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning.The end is where we start from.” ~T. S. Eliot It is an honor for me to receive a direct email from someone who shares his or her personal story and then asks for advice. I do the…

  • The Gift of Forgiveness

    Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. ~Bruce Lee One day last year my soon-to-be ex asked me out to lunch. What I realized when we met was that I was invited because he wanted to make amends for what he had done to our marriage. I listened. I cried.…