Tag: Family

  • A Recipe for Happiness

      My sister was recently looking through our late grandmother’s recipe box. In between the recipes for blueberry muffins and chocolate pound cake she came across a different type of recipe; my sister found a recipe for a happy life. Written in our grandmother’s handwriting, this is what my sister discovered: THE WAY TO HAPPINESS…

  • Endings Are New Beginnings

    Just as I have each morning for the last 29 months, today I woke up married, but estranged from my husband. My divorce hearing was today so tomorrow I will wake up single for the first time in almost 21 years. This 29 month journey has felt hopeless, frustrating, overwhelming, and impossible at times. I…

  • The Gift of Forgiveness

    Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. ~Bruce Lee One day last year my soon-to-be ex asked me out to lunch. What I realized when we met was that I was invited because he wanted to make amends for what he had done to our marriage. I listened. I cried.…

  • Living My Childhood Dream

    Childhood dreams. What first comes to mind when you read these two words? Do you think about your hope of becoming a vet or astronaut? Does an image of you in a superhero cape bring back a happy memory, remembering those days when it felt like anything was possible? What has been on my mind…

  • Thanksgiving Blessings

    A gaggle of children running in and out of the house; two refrigerators filled with food; 15 people coming for dinner; the house rearranged for a large sit-down; five more people joining in for dessert; and, most important, a quiet moment to thank God for all the blessings in my life. Thanksgiving this year was…

  • 5 Reasons I Love Being a Mom (hint: Rummikub)

    Lately I have been thinking about my unconventional view on the benefits of being a mom. The items on my favorite-reasons-for-being-a-mom list shift in level of importance, but the list essentially stays the same. I might be unconventional in my thoughts on being a mom, but at least I am consistent. The reason for my…